You’ve written a blog post and hit publish. Congrats! The hard work is over, right? Wrong. The real work begins now. See, a blog post isn’t like a traditional article. Once it’s published, you can’t just sit back and wait for the readers to come to you. You have to actively promote your blog post if you want people to read it.
But how do you promote a blog post? By repurposing your content, that’s how! Repurposing is when you take your original content and use it in different ways to reach different audiences. For example, you can take a blog post and turn it into:
– An infographic
– A podcast episode
– A video
– A SlideShare presentation
– A series of tweets or Facebook posts
– An email newsletter
– A printed booklet or handout
The possibilities are endless! And the best part is that once you’ve created the content, all you have to do is share it with your audience—you don’t have to start from scratch every time. Talk about a time saver! Not sure where to start? Here are some tips:
1. Choose one piece of content to repurpose
Don’t try to tackle too many things at once, or you’ll get overwhelmed. Start small and work your way up.
2. Decide which format would be best for your repurposed content
Not all types of content will work for all formats—you need to choose something that will make sense for the new medium.
3. Create an outline for your repurposed content
This will help keep you focused and on track as you’re creating your new piece.
4. Put your own spin on things
Just because you’re using someone else’s content doesn’t mean you can’t put your own unique spin on it. Be creative!
5. Promote, promote, promote!
Once you’ve created your repurposed content, make sure you share it with your audience, so they can check it out too.
Repurposing your blog posts is a great way to get more mileage out of your content while also saving time and effort in the long run. So what are you waiting for? Start brainstorming ways you can breathe new life into your old blog posts today!
Repurposing your blog posts is a great way to get more mileage out of your content, while also saving time and effort in the long run. So what are you waiting for? Start brainstorming ways you can breathe new life into your old blog posts today!