In the business world, your network is your net worth. The people you know – and more importantly, the people who know, like, and trust you – are your best asset. They’re also your best source of referral business. But how do you actually connect with these people in a way that’s genuine, helpful, and memorable? 

Here are four tips to get you started:

1. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Too often in business (and life), we go into conversations with the intent of selling our product or service. But if you want to make a lasting impression, start by getting to know the other person. When you take the time to learn about their goals, their challenges, and what they’re working on, they’ll be more likely to reciprocate – and more likely to do business with you down the line. 

2. Ask open-ended questions

If your goal is truly to get to know someone, closed-ended questions won’t cut it. Stick to open-ended questions that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. This will show that you’re interested in learning more about the other person, and it will give them an opportunity to share as much (or as little) as they want about themselves.

3. Follow up after meetings and phone calls

Sending a handwritten note or an email after meeting someone for the first time is a small gesture that can make a big impression. Not only does it show that you remembered them, but it also shows that you were paying attention during your conversation and that you value their time. This is especially important if you’re meeting with a busy person who might not have the time (or inclination) to keep in touch on their own.

4. Don’t be afraid of social media

In today’s digital age, there’s no excuse for not staying connected with your clients – even if you only see them once a year at an industry conference. Platforms like LinkedIn make it easy (and acceptable) to reach out and stay top-of-mind without being too “sales-y.” Just remember to keep things professional – this isn’t Facebook, after all! – and avoid any potential client landmines like political rants or unsolicited advice. 

The bottom line is this: if you want referral business, start by making connections with clients (and potential clients). These relationships will be crucial when it comes time for them to recommend your services – so make sure you’re investing time in them from Day 1! By following these four simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to building strong relationships that will last for years to come.